Raluca from #experienceRomania dared me to write this article about why you should visit Romania.(#experienceRomania is a tour for international bloggers so that they discover the beauty of Romania) The first 3 reasons that came into my mind are:
1. Wild Carpathia 2. Beautiful Women 3. Fun and funny people
1. Wild Carpathia 2. Beautiful Women 3. Fun and funny people
Because we have a bit of everything, for those who want to
relax at the seaside we have one of the biggest and most beautiful beaches, for
those urban explorers we have beautiful cities full of history and special
architectural details, for the hiking lovers, the Carpathian mountains are well
known for the beautiful trails and breath-taking views, for those who want to
have fun we have festivals, parties and funny and sociable people.
Why did I visit Romania ?
Because I like discovering new places, discovering and rediscovering them to
see what stayed the same or if anything changed. I admit that I have on my wish
list many places in Romania
that I didn’t visit yet, but the places I did visit made me give them instant
and repeatedly like + fave + love. At what experiences I gave repeat/ replay?
+ going at the mountains, I have been many times in the Bucegi
Mountains , I enjoyed a cake in
Sinaia, I climbed on a trail at Cota 2000 and I went skying at Moeciu.
Bran Castle at sunset
+ taking a bath in the Black Sea in
the summer months when the water temperature is warm as soup.
+ taking long walks wandering without purpose or in search of sights and just admiring all
what my eyes could see in Constanta ,
Bucuresti, Sibiu , Timisoara ,
+ discovering beautiful and stylish people on the street, at the mall or at events. (Visit urbnstyle.ro)
You must be patient when you start discovering Romania, patient, atentif and with a keen spirit of observation, it does't all look like in the promotional materials but with an open mind and heart you will find what you are looking for.
We are waiting for you to come discover Romania!
We are waiting for you to come discover Romania!
* * * limba romana * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Raluca de la #experienceRomania m-a provocat sa scriu acest articol despre motivele pentru care sa vizitezi Romania. (#experienceRomania este un tur pentru bloggeri internationali pentru ca ei sa descopere frumusetea Romaniei) Primele 3 motive care mi-au venit in minte sunt:
1. Muntii Carpati 2. Femei frumoase 3. Oameni amuzanti si distractivi
Pentru ca avem di toate, pentru doritorii de
relaxare la mare avem una dintre cele mai mari plaje din lume, pentru doritorii de explorari urbane
avem orase frumoase pline de istorie si detalii arhitecturale deosebite, pentru
amatorii de drumetii, muntii Carpati sunt recunoscuti pentru traseele deosebite
si peisajele ce-ti iau rasuflarea, pentru cei ce doresc sa se distreze, avem
festivaluri, petreceri si oameni sociabili.
De ce am vizitat eu? Pentru ca imi place sa descopar locuri
noi, sa le descopar si sa le redescopar, sa vad ce a ramas la fel si daca s-a
schimbat ceva.
Recunosc ca am pe wish list multe locuri din Romania, dar si
locurile pe care le-am vazut m-au facut sa le dau instant and repeatedly fave.
La ce am dat repeat/ replay?
La munti, am fost de nenumarate ori in Muntii Bucegi, am
savurat o prajitura la Sinaia, am urcat pe un traseu la cota 2000 si am schiat
la Moeciu
La facut o baie in Marea Neagra vara cand temperatura apei e
ca a unei ciorbe
La plimbat cu iahtul in zona Olimp (vezi mariata.ro)
La plimbari hai hui, fara directie precisa sau in cautare de muzee si atractii turistice, admirand
tot ce putea ochiul sa cuprinda prin Constanta ,
Bucuresti, Sibiu , Timisoara ,
La descoperit oameni frumosi si stilati pe strada, la mall
sau la evenimente (vezi urbnstyle.ro)
Trebuie sa ai rabdare cand pornesti in descoperirea Romaniei, rabdare, atentie si spirit de observatie, nu este toata ca in pozele de promovare dar cu bunavointa poti gasi ceea ce cauti.
Va asteptam sa descoperiti Romania!
Trebuie sa ai rabdare cand pornesti in descoperirea Romaniei, rabdare, atentie si spirit de observatie, nu este toata ca in pozele de promovare dar cu bunavointa poti gasi ceea ce cauti.
Va asteptam sa descoperiti Romania!
sau dupa cum spune tricoul lui Catalin:
"Send more tourists, the last ones were deliocious!" :-)))
Maria si Catalin
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